Dear Khodayar, what drives your enemies to plot against you
and wish you harm? From which ancestors does this sickness come that makes them
hate? I know that I am bound to not disown them; these criminals are my sisters
and brothers. They are your sisters and brothers. And it is the urgency of this
fact that makes their cruelty against you all the more futile and ugly. There
is one sky above, there is one rock below our feet. These fences, these prisons
that surround us are our own creation. We do not need to live like this. The
food of the world is for all of us to share. No one should be starved, no one
should be pushed from the table. Love is the only honest way to live –
everything else is based on lies and cheating. The powerful take what they do
not need from those whose need is greater. They take food, they take land and
they take water. They take warmth and shelter. They will even take life and
then call it justice.
Khodayar, you know all this. You have learnt about the
ugliness of being tortured and sentenced to death. This all happened to you.
This was done to you for no reason. It was for the shape of your face and the
colour of your skin and the place of your birth that you were killed. How can
people not see the hideouslness of this barbarity? They must be broken minds
and sterile hearts that make these cages. Love Stephen