Dear Khodayar, all cruelty is meaningless. Can I apologise
for the cruelty that was done to you when you were alive? Those cruelties
lacked any meaning and they shouldn’t have happened – not to you, not to
anybody. I apologise for the cruelty in the world; for this meaningless cruelty
that we do to each other. Our job is to create meaning in this world, to tell
stories about what we care about and to fill life with love and humour.
I am learning so much. I am figuring things out for myself,
I am being told about life by you and the others. I am discovering what has
meaning for me and what doesn’t. I am forced to make choices about what my
values are. Betrayed by one of those closest to me I must heal myself.
Dear Khodayar all cruelty is meaningless. A cruel act tears
the web of meaning that joins us all together. It deletes the music of
relatedness between you and me. Don’t let me be cruel to others, Khodayar. Don’t
let them be cruel to me. I will not descend into that pit of craziness – I will
not forget the meaningfulness of your words. Khodayar I stand close to you as
you make your Final Statement. ALL CRUELTY IS MEANINGLESS. Love Stephen